To report a crime, please contact your local police agency. For emergencies, call 911.
Dispatcher Stanley Wasilewski
Email Address: swasilew@
Stan started his law enforcement career in 1976, when he joined the 143d Military Police Company in the Connecticut Army National Guard.
Stan became a Hartford Connecticut Police Officer in 1979. Among his assignments was becoming a Field Training Officer in 1986. In 1990, he was assigned to the Street Crimes Unit.
In 1992, Stan was assigned to the Gang Task Force. In 1993, Stan was assigned to the Major Crimes Division. In 1998, he was assigned to the Vice and Narcotics Division.
On December 30,2000 Stan retired after 21 years of service.
Stan was a fifteen year member of the Employees Assistance Program and managed the drug testing program for the Police Department.
Stan received his Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from Vermont College in Montpelier Vermont.
Stan received his Bachelors Degree in Political Science and Minor in Psychology from Central Connecticut State University in New Britain Connecticut.
Stan received his Masters Degree in Public Policy from Trinity College in Hartford Connecticut.
Stan has been working at the Windham County Sheriffs Department since 2008.