To report a crime, please contact your local police agency. For emergencies, call 911.


Drug/Conditions Violations Arrest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/22/2025 6:14 PM

Incident: 25WHC001536
Date: 3/21/25
Location: 2536 US Rt. 5 Dummerston, VT
Investigating Deputy: Det. Sgt. M. Checchi

Accused: Terry A. Parson
Age: 41
City & State of Residence: Putney, VT
Charges: Violation of Conditions of Release X4: Possession of Cocaine-Less than 2.5 grams;

Accused: Robert P. Brown
Age: 37
City & State of Residence: Brattleboro, VT
Charges: Poss. Depressant/Stimulant/Narcotic Drug-Fentanyl; Possession of Cocaine-Less than 2.5 grams;

Description: On March 21st, 2025, at approximately 2150 hours, Deputies with the Windham County Sheriff's Office located Terry A. Parson in a vehicle parked at a business in Dummerston, VT. This vehicle was observed in Putney shortly before. Parson was found to be in possession of cocaine when he was taken into custody for violating his court ordered curfew. Parson further violated other sets of conditions for possessing the presumptive cocaine and engaging in criminal behavior.

Robert P. Brown, also in the vehicle, was found to be in possession of suspected cocaine and suspected Fentanyl. Parson and Brown were arrested and transported to the Windham County Sheriff's Office for processing. Parson was ordered held on $1,000 cash or surety bond with conditions and issued a criminal citation to appear on 3/24/25 at 12:30 pm. Brown was released on a criminal citation to appear on 4/29/25. Parson was held at the Southern State Correctional Facility soon after. This case remains under investigation.

Court Date: 3/24/25 and 4/29/25
Bail: $1,000

Arrest for Excessive Speed in Marlboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 7:22 PM

Incident: 25WHC001459
Date: 03/19/25
Location: VT Route 9, Marlboro
Investigating Deputy: Sgt Norton #166

Accused: Marco A Roque
Age: 34
City & State of Residence: Rindge, NH

Charges: Excessive Speed

Description: On 03/19/25 at approximately 1500 hours, Marco A Roque was arrested by the Windham County Sheriff's Office after the vehicle he was operating was observed to be traveling 88 mph in the posted 50 mph speed zone on VT Route 9 near Church Hollow Rd. Marco was released from the scene on a citation to appear in the Windham Superior Court, Criminal Division at a later date. He was also issued a traffic ticket for the civil speeding violation.

Court Date: 04/29/25
Bail: N/A

Criminal DLS/VCOR Vernon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:38 PM

Incident: 25WHC001083
Date: 2/26/2025
Location: Silver lane, Vernon Vt
Investigating Deputy: Deputy Thomas Raymond

Accused: Sonja Girs
Age: 38
City & State of Residence: Newfane VT


1) Criminal DLS
2) Violation of Conditions of Release

Description: On February 26th, 2025 at approximately 1136 hours a deputy with the Windham County Sheriff's Office conducted a traffic stop on a 2012 Blue Toyota Corolla operated by Sonja Girs who the deputy recognized and knows to be criminally suspended from operating a motor vehicle in Vermont.

Girs was subsequently placed under arrest for Criminal DLS and violating her conditions of release. Girs was then released on a citation to appear in court at a later date.

The Windham County Sheriff's Office was assisted by Affordable Towing.

Court Date: 4/15/2025
Bail: N/A

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:37 PM

Incident: Arrest on Wsrrant
Date: 03/03/2025
Location: Vermont Superior Court
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Jeffrey L. Anderson
Age: 40
City & State of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 03/93/2025 I arrested Jeffrey L. Anderson, DOB 06/04/1984 on an arrest Warrant for failing to appear for arraignment. He was not able to make bail and was held.

Court Date:
Bail: $3,500.00

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:36 PM

Incident: Arrest on Warrant
Date: 03/03/2025
Location: VT Superior Court
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Jeffrey L. Anderson
Age: 40
City & State of Residence:

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 03/03/2025 I arrested Jeffrey L. Anderson on an outstanding Warrant out of Windham County for failing to appear for Arraignment. He wasn’t able to post bail, so he was held until brought before the Judge

Court Date:
Bail: $3,500.00

Criminal DLS Arrest- Vernon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:34 PM

Incident: 25WHC001252
Date: 03/08/2025 at 1549 hours
Location: T Bird Lane and Route 142
Investigating Deputy: Deputy Thomas Raymond

Accused: Corey Archer
Age: 44
City & State of Residence: Newfane, Vermont


1) Criminal DLS

Description: On March 8th, 2025 at approximately 1549 hours a Deputy with the Windham County Sheriff's Office observed a Blue Toyota Corolla traveling south on Route 142 in the Town of Vernon. The Deputy observed a male identified as Corey Archer Age 44 of Newfane, Vermont who he knows has a suspended drivers license. The Corolla then sped up and pulled onto T Bird Lane where the Deputy was able to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle.

Archer was subsequently placed under arrest and issued a citation for driving with a criminal suspended license. Archer and the passengers of the vehicle for released from the scene and his vehicle was towed by Al's Towing.

Court Date: 04/15/2025
Bail: N/A

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:33 PM

Incident: Arrest on Warrant
Date: 03/17/2025
Location: Vermont Superior Court
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Charles Bolte
Age: 52
City & State of Residence: Vernon VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 03/17/2025 I arrested Charles Bolte on an outstanding Warrant for failing to appear for Arraignment on 03/05/2025 out of Windham County. He was held until seen by the Judge as he was unable to post bail.

Court Date: 03/17/2025
Bail: $1,000.00

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:31 PM

Incident: Arrest on Warrant
Date: 03/17/2025
Location: Vermont Superior Court
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Charles Bolte
Age: 52
City & State of Residence: Vernon VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 03/17/2025 I arrested Charles Bolte on an outstanding Warrant for failing to appear for Arraignment on 03/05/2025 out of Windham County. He was held until seen by the Judge as he was unable to post bail.

Court Date: 03/17/2025
Bail: $1,000.00

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:30 PM

Incident: Arrest on Warrant
Date: 03/17/2025
Location: Vermont Superior Court
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Kriss M. Valerio
Age: 55
City & State of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 03/17/2025 I arrested Kriss N. Valerie on an outstanding Warrant for failing to appear on 02/16/2025 for a jury trial in Windham County. He was unable to post bail and was held.

Court Date: Unknown
Bail: $50,000.00

Arrest on Warrant in Brattlrboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 03/19/2025 1:28 PM

Incident: Arrest on Warrant
Date: 03/18/2025
Location: Vermont Superior Court
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Theresa M. Gay
Age: 49
City & State of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 03/18/2025 I arrested Theresa M. Gay on an outstanding Warrant for failing to appear for Arraignment on 03/18/2025 out of Windham County. She was released with a Citation to appear in Windham Court on 03/19/2925 at 12:30 PM.

Court Date: 03/19/2025
Bail: na

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