To report a crime, please contact your local police agency. For emergencies, call 911.


Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/30/2024 3:12 PM

Incident: Arrest on Warrant
Date: 08/14/2024
Location: VT Superior Court, Brattleboro
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Sonja Girs
Age: 37
City & State of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 08/14/2024 the Windham County Sheriff's Office arrested Sonja Girs on an outstanding warrant. She was cited and released

Court Date: 08/15/2024
Bail: n/a

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/30/2024 3:10 PM

Date: 08/05/2024
Location: VT Superior Court, Brattleboro
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Justin W. Smith
Age: 30
City & State of Residence: Swanzey, NH

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 08/05/2024 the Windham County Sheriff's Office arrested Justin W. Smith on an outstanding warrant. He was seen by the Judge.

Court Date: 08/05/2024
Bail: $500.00

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/30/2024 3:07 PM

Date: 07/31/2024
Location: VT Superior Court, Brattleboro, VT
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: Tyler Taitague
Age: 33
City & State of Residence: Bethel, VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 07/31/2024 the Windham County Sheriff's Office arrested Tyler Taitague on an outstanding warrant out of Windsor,VT. He was cited and released.

Court Date: 08/01/2024
Bail: n/a

Arrest on Warrant in Brattleboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/30/2024 3:04 PM

Date: 08/20/2024
Location: VT Superior Court, Brattleboro
Investigating Deputy: David M. Whittle

Accused: William J. Bussino
Age: 53
City & State of Residence: Springfield, VT

Charges: Arrest on Warrant

Description: On 08/20/2024 the Windham County Sheriff's Office arrested William J. Bussino on an outstanding warrant. Bail was made and he was cited into court.

Court Date: 08/20/2024
Bail: $200.00

Cruiser slide-off during prisoner transport

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/28/2024 12:17 PM

Incident: 24WHC004575
Date: 8/27/2024
Location: I91 MM48.2, Weathersfield, VT

Description: On August 27th, 2024 at approximately 06:20 hours, the Windham County Sheriff's Office was performing an intra-facility prisoner transport from the Southern State Correctional Facility to the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility.

The prisoner reported to the transport deputy, First Sergeant Robert Lakin, that she had cut her neck with a metal hook. While attempting to stop in a U-turn on the interstate to intervene and render first aid, the transport vehicle hydroplaned and entered the median of the interstate where it bottomed out on an object damaging the undercarriage of the vehicle. First aid was rendered, but no apparent injury was visible.

The prisoner was taken by Golden Cross Ambulance to Springfield ER where the prisoner was medically cleared before being returned to the Chittenden Regional Correctional Center. A separate transport vehicle was dispatched to continue the transport following medical clearance. The damaged cruiser was towed for repairs. Sgt. Lakin was uninjured. The Windsor County Sheriff's Office and Golden Cross Ambulance responded to the scene.

Media Contact:
Sheriff Mark Anderson
802-365-4942 x3

Domestic Assault Arrest - Westminster

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/28/2024 9:48 AM

Incident: 24WHC004566
Date: 08/27/2024
Location: Picknell Rd., Westminster, VT
Investigating Deputy: Dep. Jacob Cohen, Dep. Sharon Kennedy

Accused: Shirley S. Sprague
Age: 76
City & State of Residence: Westminster, VT

Charges: Domestic Assault

Description: On August 27th, 2024, at approximately 1000 hours, the Windham County Sheriff's Office arrested Shirley S. Sprague for Domestic Assault. This arrest is the result of an investigation initiated by Windham County Sheriff's Deputies after receiving a call on August 26th at approximately 1230 hours. It was reported that Sprague assaulted a family member as causing bodily injury at the address on Picknell Road in the town of Westminster. Sprague was processed and released on a criminal citation to appear at the Windham Superior Court on 08/28/2024.

Court Date: 08/28/2024
Bail: N/A

Arrest for Driving While Suspended in Rockingham

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/22/2024 4:34 PM

Incident: 24WHC004355
Date: 8/14/2024
Location: Route 103 Rockingham, VT
Investigating Deputy: Sharon Kennedy

Accused: Kathryn Peloski
Age: 32
City & State of Residence: Rockingham, VT

Charges: Driving while Suspended - Criminally

Description: On 8/14/2024 at approximately 0651 hours Kathryn Peloski was arrested by the Windham County Sheriff's Office after the vehicle she was operating was speeding. During the stop it was discovered that Ms. Peloski's privilege to drive was suspended criminally. She was processed and released on a citation to appear at the Windham Superior Court, Criminal Division at a later date.

Court Date: 10/01/2024
Bail: N/A

Arrest for Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Vernon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/20/2024 3:32 PM

Incident: 24WHC004169
Date: August 2, 2024
Location: 230 Fort Bridgman Rd, Vernon
Investigating Deputy: Corporal Ian Gallup

Accused: Baily Strange
Age: 25
City & State of Residence: Guilford, VT

Charges: Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Description: On August 5, 2024, the Windham County Sheriff's office received a complaint that sometime over the weekend a blue vehicle traveling north on Fort Bridgman Rd, left the roadway and struck a Zaluzny dump truck that was parked in the business parking lot. The vehicle and operator left the scene without reporting the crash to the owner of the truck or to law enforcement.

During the investigation it was found that Baily Strange had been the one operating an unregistered 2000 Blue Toyota Camry on August 2, 2024 at approximately 8PM when the crash occurred.

On August 20, 2024, Strange was arrested and processed at the Windham County Sheriff's Office.
She was released on a citation to appear in the Windham Superior Court, Criminal Division at a later date. She was also issued two tickets for operating a vehicle with no registration and failing to have liability insurance.

The Windham County Sheriff's office and Corporal Gallup would like to Thank everyone that called in with information after we posted a social media post about this incident early into the investigation, that not only located the vehicle that was parked in another town, but also helped locating the operator.

Court Date: October 29, 2024
Bail: NONE

Driving with a Suspended License

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 08/20/2024 3:23 PM

Incident: 214WHC003077
Date: June 13, 2024
Location: Newfane
Investigating Deputy: Corporal Ian Gallup

Accused: Greshom Moore
Age: 50
City & State of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Charges: Driving with a Suspended License

On the afternoon of June 13, 2024, Moore was stopped for a minor motor vehicle offense, during the traffic stop Vermont DMV records showed that Moore's license was suspended in Vermont

Moore was issued a Vermont Traffic Complaint (ticket) for no registration and also cited for Driving with a Suspended License.

Court Date: October 1, 2024
Bail: None

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